This is the home page of the web site that supports the paper version of the Greens Norton News
The current version of the web site covers the current paper version for June 2023/July 2023
The Paper Version section describes the delivered paper version, for example advertising rates for the paper version.
The Advertising section contains details of an ongoing project which would add online advertising. Currently it is empty,
There are also sections which include details of local facilities:
One of the things that have been suggested is that we keep in closer contact with the Parish Council. Consequently we have included a number of useful links in the Councils page.
Greens Norton comes under the Northamptonshire Police Authority. We have included links to crime-related issues in the Organisations section of the Web site.
The Greens Norton Parish Council have a newsletter. If you want to receive notifications access this web page.
If any events occur past the deadline for publication you can find them here.
The web site should ideally be accessed with a PC, laptop or large tablet. If you are using a phone then the navigation links can be found at the bottom of this page.