Relevant Web Links
The paper version of the Greens Norton News is delivered to around 800 odd households in Greens Norton, Duncote and Bradden. This set of links is for the Greens Norton News April 2023/June 2023.
After each issue we will include here web links to resources associated with any of the articles in the current edition and the text of any important articles. These are for the June 2023/July 2023 edition.
Web Links
One important article is reproduced below. It concerns the resignation of the current editor
I have been editing the Greens Norton News for around 10 years. Unfortunately, I have been quite ill for the last year. The NHS have been brilliant and I have returned to a good condition after being lodged in the intensive care unit at NGH after a particularly nasty crisis. However I have decided to ease down in case I have another crisis. I am resigning after the June edition, the next edition will be the October edition. This is what I currently do:
- I provide advice to anyone who writes an article.
- If I discover someone who is doing something interesting, then I try to persuade them to write an article or be interviewed by me.
- I collect all the articles that have been submitted together with any announcements, for example by the 50+ organisation.
- I liaise with the copy editor of the Greens Norton News (GNN), currently Liz Crussel, who then edits the articles.
- The next step is for me to pass Liz’s edited articles and any announcements to our designer (Martin Tolley) who then passes me back the designed GNN for my comments. At this point there is normally very little for me to say. I pass the issue back to Martin with the list of headlines for the front page.
- Martin then passes me the final version which I then send to the printers.*
- I send the electronic edition of the GNN to those who prefer it to the paper edition.*
- It usually takes about a week for three large boxes to arrive with the printed copies.
- The printed copies are then bundled up into batches by Michelle Hiscutt and Ann Wilcox to give to the distributors. I am replacing Michelle.*
- I administer the web site for the GNN.*
- I send two copies of each issue to the national libraries.*
This is roughly what I do. I am supported by an amazing editorial team who do the vast majority of the work; regard me as the captain of the ship!
It is worth talking to me or texting me so that I can answer any questions.
When we have a replacement, I would be happy to carry out mentoring for a time.
The items marked with an asterisk will be activities I will be carrying on.
Darrel Ince
Advertising Rates
Our rates are:
1/8 Page per issue £10, per year £45
1/4 Page per issue £17.50, per year £75
1/2 Page per issue £27.50, per year £110
Full Page per issue £40, per year £175
The Greens Norton News is delivered to about 800 households. There are normally six issues each year.
Articles in the Greens Norton News
If you wish to submit an article for the Greens Norton News then let the editor know by emailing him greensnortonnewseditor@gmail.. They will then be in touch with you. Use MS Word format and any graphics and send by email.
Copy date for the August 2023/September 2023 issue is 6th June 2023.
Who to Contact
Contact details for those listed below can be found in the paper version of the News. If you wish to send a message to someone on the board then email the editor who will forward your email
Editorial: Darrel Ince [email protected]
Copy Editor: Liz Crussel
Layout: Martin Tolley
Advertisements and Finance: Elizabeth Kempson
Distribution: Darrel Ince and Anne Wilcock
Greens Norton Community Grant Scheme: Amanda Jones